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School Counselor Team

Our school counselors are an essential part of the school district's Educational Leadership Team. They provide valuable assistance to students such as academic achievement, personal and social development and career options. Helping our students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow is the goal of our the Struthers school district's counselor department.

Elementary School Counselor

330.750.1065 ext 41575


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Helping Students Adapt

Work closely with parents, teachers and support staff to help student adjust to school or other situations



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Classroom Observation

Provided as needed


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Short-term 1:1 counseling intervention
Short-term targeted group counseling
Assist in obtaining grief counseling


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Section 504 Assistance

Gather information, collaborate with team, and write plan


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Student Supplies

Provide school supplies for students in need
Provide shoe vouchers/boots on recommendation if available


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Community Resources

Connect families with community agencies for specific physical, emotional, spiritual and financial assistance


Middle School Counselor

Mr. Floyd Cracraft
330.750.1064 ext. 41434

High School Counselors

Mrs. Meghan Dubos (A-L)
330.750.1062 ext. 41394

Mrs. Sherry Weitzman (M-Z)
330.750.1062 ext. 41315

Higher Education Resources

Students wishing to make college visits should visit our Higher Education Resources page. You'll find a list of dates for college visits we have already scheduled and scholarship resources. Remember to see your guidance counselor for more opportunities and permission slips.

Visit Higher Education Resources